ESG principles

Avtokran-Tyumen - to society

ESG principles for Avtokran-Tyumen are conscientious business conduct and responsible behavior towards all stakeholders. We strive to contribute to the social and economic development of society and at the same time maintain a balance of commercial, social and environmental interests.

We are directly involved in and support initiatives in the fields of charity, ecology and healthy lifestyle.

  • Charity projects

Charity for us is not just a formal part of the work, but an opportunity to give hope and provide real help in specific life situations.

Key areas of charitable activities of Avtokran-Tyumen:

• Targeted help in the treatment and rehabilitation of seriously ill children;

• Support for orphans and children left without parental care;

• Targeted help to children's medical and educational institutions.

  • Environmental initiatives

We are aware of the importance of caring for the environment and we contribute to ensuring the ecological balance.

We comply with the requirements of environmental legislation, are guided by the precautionary principle and implement various initiatives aimed at encouraging all employees to respect the environment.

Avtokran-Tyumen makes a significant contribution to the development of alternative energy systems, acting as a general contractor in wind farm construction projects in Russia. Moreover, we are constantly working on the rational use of resources in the office: we focus on electronic document management as much as possible, we have completely abandoned disposable tableware, we regularly collect and recycle waste paper, batteries, etc.

  • Sports and healthy lifestyle

The company encourages a healthy lifestyle for employees. Participation in social events and activities dedicated to sports and healthy lifestyles is encouraged.

In corporate and team-building events within the company, priority is also given to the active sports format.

In everyday work, we pay great attention to the order and convenience of organizing the working space in the office, maintaining a balance of work and leisure.


If you have a project that belongs to one of the listed areas, you can send a proposal for cooperation at

Help for Amir Kinzhalinov

Targeted assistance was provided in the treatment of the child

By collecting plastic, we save the environment!

The ecological competition for the company's employees has ended

Fit for labor and defense!

Employees of the company passed the TRP standards

Support for the national project "Ecology"

Sabbatarian performed by a friendly team is a great end to the workweek!


Participation in the All-Russian flashmob "Blue Ribbon-2023"

The team with a "steel character"

"Avtokran-Tyumen" - participant of the extreme race

Corporate volleyball

We strengthen the healthy spirit of the team through sports

Help for Veronika Vedeneeva

The girl will be able to walk thanks to the surgery

Help for Gleb Tsygankov

Targeted assistance was provided in the treatment of a disabled child

Small steps on the big road

Purchase of medical equipment for an orphanage in Shadrinsk


Согласие пользователя сайта на обработку персональных данных

Пользуясь сайтом, я (далее — Пользователь), свободно, своей волей и в своем интересе даю свое добровольное, мотивированное и информированное согласие обществу с ограниченной ответственностью «Автокран – Тюмень» (далее — Оператор), ИНН 7224045561, ОГРН 1117232028330, зарегистрированному по адресу: 625002 г. Тюмень, ул. Герцена 55, этаж 2, помещение 51-75, на автоматизированную и неавтоматизированную обработку моих персональных данных, в том числе с использованием сайта, находящегося по адресу в сети Интернет (далее — Сайт) в соответствии со следующим перечнем: фамилия, имя, отчество, адрес электронной почты, контактный телефон. С целью повышения осведомленности об услугах Оператора, предоставления релевантной рекламной информации, оптимизации рекламы, содействия в поиске работы и трудоустройстве. Оператор вправе осуществлять обработку персональных данных следующими способами: сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, использование, удаление, уничтожение персональных данных. Я ознакомлен и согласен с тем, что: