Cargo, the weight of which, together with the weight of the vehicles required for its transportation, exceeds the legal restrictions, is called heavy cargo. Its transportation cannot be carried out using conventional modes of transport. The only legal opportunity to transport this type of cargo is to use the services of specialized transportation of heavy cargo.

Requirements for this type of service:

  • Preparation of all necessary documents and permits;
  • Organization of the transportation of heavy cargo by a special road train;
  • Mandatory escorting by qualified specialists who control the transportation safety, the roadway integrity, the convenience of transportation in high-risk areas (on bridges and overpasses of federal highways, railway tracks, transmission lines, etc.).

When processing and fulfilling an order for heavy-weight transportation services, the specialists of the Avtokran-Tyumen carry out a set of important works:

  • Competent route development. The logistics scheme of cargo transportation is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the cargo and the required delivery time;
  • Determination of the types of transport (special equipment) and personnel required to perform the task;
  • Detailed planning of the process and timing, starting with the exact sequence of work and the location of equipment during loading and up to the moment of arrival and unloading at the destination;
  • Preparation of permits and necessary documentation for the entire route of the cargo;
  • Execution of delivery according to a previously developed scheme.

Using the services of our company, customers can be sure that all the necessary work will be completed efficiently and on time.

To order

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