Installation of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures

Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures during the construction of buildings makes it possible to reduce the cost of the work, as well as their duration. This is due to the use of prefabricated elements manufactured at the factory, which are already mounted at the construction site.

This type of installation work is carried out in several stages:

  • Performing preliminary earthworks;
  • Preparation of structures for installation, including transportation of structural elements to the construction site and input control;
  • Installation of structures;
  • Processing the finished structure with a bituminous insulating solution, which acts as a geomembrane and protects the structure from moisture, mechanical damage and other damaging environmental influences. This is a necessary and important stage, which extends the service life of the structure and makes it more reliable.

The Avtokran-Tyumen company offers a full range of services for the installation of precast concrete structures.

We have our own fleet of reliable special equipment, as well as an experienced and qualified staff.

Our specialists will perform all preparatory operations, assembly and installation, as well as, if necessary, carry out cosmetic and restorative measures according to your order.

We take care of our reputation and ensure the organization of safe work on projects. We also guarantee strict compliance with the rules and regulations established by the construction legislation as well as execution of technical regulations and various official documents that establish practical requirements for the installation of structures of this type.

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